Ordering the pill online
Please note this service is for Croydon residents only. If you are outside the Croydon borough you can go to shl.uk.
- You can order the POP (progestogen only pill) whether or not you have taken it before.
- You can order the COCP (combined pill) only if you have already tried it for 3 months and have a blood pressure recording with us within the last 9 months.
How does the system work?
1. You complete our online health questionnaire - It is essential that you fill in all the details correctly.
2. A healthcare professional will check your details within 1 working day.
3. If it is safe to prescribe you the pill we will send it to you by post - or if you prefer, we will let you know it is ready to collect from us.
4. If it is not safe to prescribe you the pill, we will call you and discuss alternatives.
You MUST watch the video below if you are taking the COCP, or the second video if you are taking the POP
Click here to login or register online and order your pill.