Are you sure you are pregnant?
If you might be pregnant, you should take a pregnancy test.
You can do a pregnancy test from the first day of a missed period. If you take a test before this time, the level of pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), may be too low to show up on the test and you may get a negative result even if you’re pregnant.
If you don’t know when your period is due, the earliest time to take a test is three weeks after your last unprotected sex.
You can buy a pregnancy test from a pharmacy, or you can ask for a test to be done at:
- your general practice
- a contraception clinic
- a young people’s service (there will be an upper age limit)
- a pharmacy (there may be a charge)
- most NHS walk-in centres (England only)
a sexual health or genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic.
How can I make my decision?
Talking to people you trust, and getting information about your options, can help you decide. You may want to talk to a partner, family or friends, or you may prefer to speak to someone less close to you.
The following services can talk confidentially with you, free of charge, about how you feel about the pregnancy and what options you have:
- your general practice (talk to your doctor or nurse)
- a contraception or sexual health clinic, including a young person’s service
- Marie Stopes (Phone 0345 300 8090, www.mariestopes.org.uk)
Things to think about to help you decide.
When you’re making your decision, it may be helpful to consider the following things.
Your life now. What’s most important to you in your life at the moment? This might involve many things, such as family, friends, work, and education.
Your future. What are your hopes and aims for the future? Think about all aspects of your life.
How would these things be affected if you:
- continue with the pregnancy and become a parent
- end the pregnancy by having an abortion
- continue with the pregnancy and choose adoption.
Another way of thinking about your situation is to consider how the statements below make you feel:
- I feel ready to be a parent and bring up a child.
- I don’t want to be pregnant.
- Having a baby will stop me doing the things in my life that are most important to me.
- I want to have a baby one day but I’d rather wait.
- I am willing to give up other things in my life in order to bring up a child.
- My family would help me if I have a baby.
- My family wouldn’t approve if I have a baby.
- My partner wants to have a baby with me.
- My partner doesn’t want to be a parent.
- I couldn’t go through with an abortion.
- I agree with abortion.
- I’m worried this might be my only chance to have a baby.
- I wouldn’t be able to go through with adoption.
Whatever you decide, it needs to be right for you.
How long have I got to decide what to do?
Although you might feel under pressure to make a decision, it’s important to take some time to consider your options and feel sure you’re making the right decision for you.
It’s important that you receive support when you need it and don’t feel pressured by anyone into making a decision you don’t want. The decision is yours. It can be very difficult to know what to do, but support is available to help you decide.
You can choose to:
- continue with the pregnancy and become a parent
- end the pregnancy by having an abortion
continue with the pregnancy and choose adoption
I want to continue with the pregnancy - What to do now?
If you decide to continue with the pregnancy, you’ll be able to get antenatal care (care during pregnancy), whether you’re planning to be a parent or choose adoption. To start your antenatal care, you can visit your general practice (GP), or register with one. Or you may be able to go directly to a midwife at your nearest maternity unit.
To find your nearest maternity unit see www.which.co.uk/birth-choice
Maternity services at Croydon Hospital
As part of your antenatal care, the doctor or midwife can talk to you about:
- healthy eating and exercise
- taking folic acid and vitamin D
- stopping smoking
- cutting out, or down on, alcohol
- stopping recreational drug use
- whether any medicines you’re taking are unsafe during pregnancy
- getting advice and tests for sexually transmitted infections.
If you have a medical condition, such as epilepsy or diabetes, talk to your doctor or midwife as soon as possible because you may need special care.
If you’re taking medication, it’s important that you continue to take this and seek advice from a doctor or nurse as soon as possible.